An under construction multi storey building collapsed in which 68 laborers including men and women died. State Government of Tamilnadu has found on initial investigation that inferior quality of raw material like Steel, Cement, bricks etc. was used in the construction.
A garment factory collapsed causing loss of lives for more than 1000 workers. The Bangladesh Government has concluded after thorough investigations that poor quality of construction material like steel, cement has been used for construction.
An under construction building site fell down resulting in death of 74 people including 18 children and 23 women. Investigations have revealed, use of poor quality of construction material like steel, cement, which are responsible for this loss.
Among the prime reasons mentioned above, purchase of good quality construction material like Steel, cement lies in the domain of any customer and no compromise should be made in purchase of the same. Small compromise in purchase of good quality raw material can cause irreparable loss, grief and pain in the future.
Steel is an important constituent of any construction and therefore we shall discuss about it in this edition.
Every home builder wants to make his construction strong, durable and economical.
We should thoroughly evaluate the TMT Bars available in the market and select good quality TMT / branded TMT from manufacturers fulfilling the above parameters and should not make any compromise in the purchase of the same.
Use of good quality steel in construction not only makes it strong and long lasting but also reduces it’s consumption cost. Careful and thorough evaluation should be made that any good quality steel may look expensive at per unit cost but is highly economical in long run. Steel is essential component that remains with any construction till the end of its life.
Girish Somani
Director, RHL Profiles Limited
(Makers of RHL GOLD TMT Bars)