Ans. Our group is actively related with steel products for almost 70 years. RHL Profiles Limited, our group company, is in the manufacture of high quality reinforcing steel bars for the last 50 years. Initially we were producing twisted bars and marketing it under the brand name RHL TOR 40. With the advent of TMT technology our company revamped and upgraded it’s manufacturing facilities by establishing a most modern rolling mill for producing TMT bars conforming to IS 1786 standards. Our TMT bars marketed under the brand name RHL GOLD 500 HD and are sold on premium in the market because of it’s unique advantage to customer of high strength, high elongation (better durability) and more length / kg of steel.
Ques. Oh ! so your group is 70 years old. Can you tell me why you have named your company as RHL?Ans. First of all I would like to say that we are the oldest group of steel industry in U.P.. Initially the name of our company was Ratan Hari Rolling Mills Limited. Later in 1980, name of our company was rechristened as RHL Profiles Limited when we had started inscribing RHL on our steel bars to market our products. RHL in our product signifies:
Ans. RHL manufacturers variety of products used in the construction industry like
Ans. Sir, Any steel product like TMT Bar, Binding Wire or Cut & Bend steel is used in construction. The utility of steel in construction is that it imparts strength and durability to it. The foundation of any construction is dependent on steel, since it’s utility in construction is the same as that of bones which provide the basic foundation to human body. RHL GOLD 500 HD TMT bars are manufactured keeping into mind the needs and requirements of customers because of the following parameters:–
Ans. RHL GOLD 500 HD bars provide upto 35% savings to it’s customers as compared to ordinary TMT bars in the market. This is possible because RHL GOLD 500 HD bars has load bearing capacity which is atleast 20 – 25% higher as compared to ordinary bars. Ordinary TMT bars have Yield strength of 350 – 400 N/mm2 as compared to that of RHL whose Yield strength is minimum 500 N/mm2. Furthermore RHL GOLD 500 HD bars have 10% more length per kg as compared to ordinary bars because of which the consumption (in kg) of RHL bars is much lower. It is because of these factors that although RHL GOLD 500 HD TMT bars are sold at a premium, it can still provide a minimum savings of 10% to the consumer along with added benefits of higher strength, higher elongation, better bonding with cement concrete, higher earthquake and fire resistant properties. In order to communicate this to our customers, we market our products using slogan -
Ans. This is a very good question. It is well known that in any construction cement and steel are used simultaneously. For complete safety and life of construction it is necessary that the bonding of steel with cement should be complete and strong. RHL GOLD 500 HD bars has uniform lugs and ribs on the TMT bars which are inscribed by use of automatic computer controlled CNC machine. This ensures upto 9.5% better bonding with cement concrete that provides strength and long life to construction as compared to ordinary TMT bars.
Ques. Just now you have said that your TMT bars are earthquake resistant. Can you clarify and give us more information on this?Ans. Your question is very important and useful in the present context. You may already be aware of the massive loss and destruction in Nepal and Uttaranchal recently because of earthquakes. RHL GOLD 500 HD bars ensure that with in the IS 1786 standards the TS/YS ratio is kept minimum at 1.1 and elongation at minimum 14.5%, so that any construction has maximum resistance to a calamity like earthquake. It is because of this that we always say -
Ans. Before I explain this to you I would like to say that TMT bars are purchased by the an average consumer mostly on trust as the properties like Yield Strength, Elongation, TS/YS ratio, Bond strength and Chemical composition can not always be physically verified as all TMT bars look alike. It is, therefore, necessary that while purchasing TMT bars the customer should ensure that it is purchased from a company/brand which has reputation for making quality products only. At RHL Profiles Limited, we have a long history spanning 6 decades of continuously providing high quality steel products. In line with the same, we procure 100% tested ISI quality steel Billets for rolling them into RHL GOLD 500 HD bars of various diameters. Sulphur and Phosphorus are most harmful elements in steel and their content should be very low. RHL GOLD 500 HD TMT bars are produced from tested steel billets and have high strength, elongation and various other properties which are not present in ordinary TMT bars that provide the customer with steel having high strength, high elongation, high earthquake and fire resistance and other mechanical and physical properties.
Ques. You have stated that RHL TMT bars are available on RCP basis. What is RCP?Ans. RCP stands for Recommended Consumer Price. In order to save the hassle of negotiation and weighment for the end user, RHL has ensured the supply of RHL GOLD 500 HD at uniform price per 12 m piece throughout its dealer network. RHL while marketing it’s product constantly says -
Ans. Yes. RHL GOLD 500 HD bars conform to IS 1786 standards and can manufacture TMT bars of Fe 500, Fe 500 D, Fe 500 S, Fe 550, Fe 550 D and Fe 600 grades. RHL’s quality practices are ISO 9001 standards certified by JAS ANZ of Australia through ICS quality auditors.
Ques. While going through your pamphlet I find that you have mentioned Fe 500, Fe 550 and Fe 600 grade also. Can you tell us about it?Ans. Yes. RHL GOLD TMT Bars are certified under IS 1786 for the manufacture of Fe 500, Fe 500D, Fe 500S, Fe 550, Fe 550D and Fe 600 grade and we have complete technology and technical know how to produce all the above grades. In the market retail customers usually require Fe 500 grade TMT bars and therefore this is the most popular grade and readily available also. I would like to appeal to Architects, Structural Engineers, Builders and Companies associated with big projects to use the higher grade of TMT bars because of immense savings associated with its use. Customers can offset the increase in cost of Steel bars by use of Fe550 & Fe 600 grade of TMT Bars. We also produce special size TMT bars of 7 mm, 9 mm, 11 mm, 14 mm, 18 mm and 22 mm that not only possess high strength and elongation properties of RHL GOLD TMT bars but also provides savings to end customers in terms of lower consumption of steel quantity.
Ques. Please tell us about RHL WIREON?Ans. RHL WIREON is 20 Guage binding wire, which is available in 25 kg bundles in yellow colour attractive rust free packing. RHL WIREON binding wire gives 37 meter extra length per kg compared to ordinary wire available in the market. 25 kg RHL WIREON bundle gives 925 meters more binding wire to customers compared to ordinary Wire available in the market. In addition to the above RHL WIREON is more soft, have uniform thickness and is breakage free.
Ques. Please let us know about RHL GOLD CNB?Ans. RHL GOLD CNB are accurate machine made rings which are available in the market in accurate bundle of 25 pc each. These rings are required in construction and provide extra strength and safety to construction.
Ques. We always hear that your TMT bars are very costly. Would you like to say something about it?Ans. Sir, our TMT bars are costly on per ton basis but the consumption of our TMT bars is so low that it results in a saving upto 10% on steel cost to the customers. This is possible because our TMT bars have 20-25% higher load bearing capacity. Furthermore our TMT bars provides 10% more length per kg of the bar and upto 9.5% better bonding with cement. All these factors put together provide savings upto 35% to the customers. It is a misconception that our TMT bars are costly because the net total cost of steel in construction by the use of RHL GOLD 500 HD bars is lesser as compared to ordinary bars as it reduces consumption quantity.
Ques. Just now you have elaborated that RHL GOLD 500 HD bars have many qualities which are not available in ordinary bars. Can you tell us the reasons for the same?Ans. Yes. First of all RHL GOLD 500 HD bars are produced from tested billet because of which it has immense strength and minimum 14.5% elongation. Ordinary bars are produced out of sub-standard raw material which contain high Sulphur and Phosphorus because of which their strength and elongation is lower. Ordinary bars therefore inspite of being cheaper result in higher cost to the customers. Our TMT bars are manufactured on most modern Computer Controlled machines, Automatic variable speed cooling bed with PLC controls and other sophisticated State of the art equipments because of which our TMT bars are produced most accurately and in very precise dimensions. These facilities are not available with manufacturers of ordinary bars and they cannot match RHL quality. Strict quality control by trained and skilled quality engineers at RHL ensure so that each and every bar produced under RHL brand conforms to quality control standards set by RHL result in production of superior quality TMT bars.
Ques. What is the future vision of RHL?Ans. The future vision of RHL is based on the same principles on which RHL brand was created. The philosophy at RHL is to produce construction steel which has all the quality of a good steel and also provide savings to users. The vision of RHL is to ensure that the customers maintain immense faith in it’s products that they can go blindly for it’s products. RHL GOLD 500 HD, RHL WIREON and RHL GOLD CNB, the products which RHL is selling in the market provide immense strength, long life and savings to the customers. The future vision of RHL is to provide products like Wire Rod, Structurals and flat products which have similar quality parameters that are beneficial and useful to its users.
Ques. Your product RHL GOLD 500 HD bar is fantastic and very useful. Can you tell us how the customer can get the product?Ans. RHL GOLD 500 HD bars can be obtained by the customers through our dealer network. In places where we do not have dealer, the customer can contact us through our Customer Care No. 7408119900. Sir, for the benefit and convenience of customers we have ensured that RHL TMT bars are available through our dealers on fixed RCP. The customers can verify our per piece rate through our website www.rhlprofiles.com and through the printed price list which is available with our dealers.
For Builders, Architects and Engineers, the product can be booked in bulk by contacting our sales team at 9839150442 / 9839311442 / 7408119900 or email us at sales@rhlprofiles.com