Which grade of TMT steel bars is better to buy?
TMT steel bars are available in various grades, and it is essential to choose the right grade to ensure
the safety and stability of the building. The two most commonly used grades of TMT steel bars are
Fe 500D and Fe 550D. Let’s discuss each grade in detail.
1. Fe 500D:

Fe 500D is the most commonly used grade of TMT steel bars in India. The ‘Fe’ in Fe 500D stands for
iron, and the number ‘500’ denotes the minimum yield stress in N/mm2. The ‘D’ in Fe 500D stands for
ductility, which means the ability of a material to deform without breaking. Fe 500D has a minimum
elongation of 16%, which makes it highly ductile.
Fe 500D TMT steel bars are ideal for use in construction projects, such as high-rise buildings,
bridges, and flyovers. They have excellent strength and ductility, making them highly resistant to
seismic activities and other natural calamities. Fe 500D TMT steel bars are also resistant to
corrosion and can withstand extreme weather conditions.
2. Fe 550D:

Fe 550D is a grade of TMT steel bar that has a minimum yield stress of 550 N/mm2. Fe 550D TMT
steel bars are the latest addition to the range of TMT steel bars available in the market. They have
higher strength and ductility than Fe 500D TMT steel bars.
Fe 550D TMT steel bars are ideal for use in construction projects that require high strength and
durability, such as metro stations, airports, and power plants. They have excellent corrosion
resistance and can withstand extreme weather conditions.
Which is better Fe 500D or Fe 550D?
Both Fe 500D and Fe 550D are excellent grades of TMT steel bars. The choice between the two
grades depends on the specific needs of the construction project. If the project requires high
strength and durability, Fe 550D TMT steel bars are the better choice. Fe 550D TMT steel bars are
also more expensive than Fe 500D TMT steel bars. If the project does not require high strength and
durability, Fe 500D TMT steel bars are a good choice.
What are the different types of TMT steel bars?
TMT steel bars are available in different types, each with its specific properties and uses. Let’s discuss the different types of TMT steel bars.
1. Earthquake-resistant TMT steel bars: Earthquake-resistant TMT steel bars have been specifically designed to withstand seismic activities. They have higher ductility and are more resistant to bending and breaking during an earthquake. They also have a higher yield strength than normal TMT steel bars.
2. Corrosion-resistant TMT steel bars: Corrosion-resistant TMT steel bars are designed to resist corrosion and rusting. They are ideal